




KGCB Team Members are often working out and around the community so there are no specific office hours. Please call before making a trip to the KGCB office to ensure someone is available to assist you.

about the program

Keep Genesee County Beautiful partners with the City of Flint and Priority Waste to inform City of Flint Residents about BAG IT, the program that keeps City of Flint streets and storm drains clean by requiring that residents bag their leaves.

  • City of Flint residents are REQUIRED to rake and bag their leaves for curbside collection on weekly trash days.
  • During BAG IT, leaf-filled yard waste bags are collected on regular trash pickup days, usually through mid-November.
  • Do not rake leaves into the streets. Citations will be given to residents raking into the street.
  • Spread the word. Schedule an information presentation at your next community group, church, block club or neighborhood association meeting by calling 810-767-9696.
  • The City of Flint will collect leaves that naturally fall into the street from nonresidential trees located between the curb and sidewalk (the public right-of-way). The cleanup should not be mistaken as an option to replace the bag it requirements.

Need help raking and bagging? We encourage you to contact any of the following to seek volunteer assistance.

  • Church
  • Family
  • Neighbors
  • Block Club
  • Neighborhood Association
  • Local Youth Group
    Please don’t forget that leaves can also be composted or mulched instead of being bagged!

When Does It Starts?

The City of Flint’s YARD WASTE COLLECTION PROGRAM usually begins the second week of April and ends the last week of November.  A separate truck collects yard waste on the same day of your regularly scheduled solid waste collection day. Please place compost materials at the curb – 10 ft. apart from regular waste, no later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection.


Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Adopt A Park

Cultivating Our Community

Community Clean Ups


Bag It

Illegal Dumping And Blight