KGCB Team Members are often working out and around the community so there are no specific office hours. Please call before making a trip to the KGCB office to ensure someone is available to assist you.

Much of the glass, metal, paper and plastic we use daily heads straight to the landfill, usually after a single use, yet these items have not reached the end of their life cycle. Keep Genesee County Beautiful believes that conserving resources is important, and recycling is one way in which to do so.
Keep Genesee County Beautiful is a resource for recycling education in Genesee County and provides information on what can and cannot be recycled in curbside programs and how to prepare it.
Click here for a list of year-round locations that accept hazardous waste, electronic waste and items not permitted in curbside trash or as part of recycling collection.
Communities in Genesee County are served by different waste haulers who each have their own recycling program with differing guidelines. You can check with your local municipality if you’re unsure about who services your community. Once you know who picks up your trash and recycling, you can check with them for specifics about recycling efforts in your community.
City of Flint Residents – for information regarding curbside recycling services and guidelines from Priority Waste, click here.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Adopt A Park
Cultivating Our Community
Community Clean Ups

Bag It
Illegal Dumping And Blight