

630 W. Kearsley St. Flint, MI 48503






KGCB Team Members are often working out and around the community so there are no specific office hours. Please call before making a trip to the KGCB office to ensure someone is available to assist you.

group of people

Keep Genesee County Beautiful is funded in full by grants and donations. The program works to encourage, educate and engage residents in creating beautiful, clean and sustainable neighborhoods, parks and open spaces throughout the City of Flint and Genesee County. Our goal is to improve communities, their environment and quality of life, by offering in-kind program support services to citizens who selflessly cultivate change in their neighborhoods. This is achieved by engaging with volunteers to extend the reach and impact of our initiatives and programs.


We believe that broad community partnerships allow us to extend the reach and impact of our initiatives and are essential to achieving sustainable, community improvement through programs such as Adopt a Park, Cultivating our Community, Community Cleanups and Recycling. To see if your initiatives or projects fall within the scope or reach of our in-kind program services, check out our program pages.

Keep Genesee County Beautiful became Michigan’s first affiliate of Keep America Beautiful in April 2004 and has received the prestigious national President’s Circle Award every year since then. In January 2016, KGCB became an official program of the Genesee County Parks.



Keep Genesee County Beautiful encourages, educates and engages the community in the ongoing clean up and beautification of Genesee County.



Beautiful, clean and sustainable neighborhoods, parks and open spaces in Flint and Genesee County.

Guiding Principles

Individual Responsibility – Improving communities, their environment and quality of life begins with personal responsibility. We encourage individuals to become more engaged as citizens and stewards of the environment.

Volunteer Action – By engaging and educating volunteers, we extend the reach of our initiatives and multiply the impact of our actions.

Partnerships – Broad-based community alliances are essential to achieving sustainable community improvement.


Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Adopt A Park

Cultivating Our Community

Community Clean Ups


Bag It

Illegal Dumping And Blight